President Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, as Supreme Court Nominee. While talking to Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut according to New York Times. In that conversation, Gorsuch expressed disappointment upon President Donald Trump’s move against Judiciary of country. He shared that, its state of demoralization and disheartening to see such words for judges from Supreme commander of country.
After signing executive order of imposing ban upon travelers from 7 major Muslim countries, a new controversy has started between President’s Trump administration and Judiciary when federal judge ceased the ban temporary and allowing travelers of Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iraq. President Trump has started to criticized judge severely at twitter. He called courts “political” and partial. He also expressed alarming situation for country, and called it a security risk.
Throughout his election campaign, he vowed to ban Muslims in united states and called them threat to US. Security. Just right after getting into White House, he signed an executive order. New introducing law has ceased entry of travelers from major Muslims countries for 90 days and migrants for at least 120 days. White House correspondence stated that in defense law that neither is partial nor discriminatory.