In a harrowing turn of events, Moscow’s peaceful evening was shattered by a brazen terrorist assault at one of the city’s beloved concert halls. The attack, orchestrated by at least...
In a fresh escalation of hostilities, reports have emerged detailing Russia’s deployment of its strategic air force, including the use of hypersonic missiles, in a devastating attack on...
In a shocking study, researchers from the University of New Mexico have uncovered startling levels of microplastic contamination in newborn babies, raising serious concerns about the extent of...
OpenAI has introduced a groundbreaking text-to-video AI model named Sora, which has astounded the online community with its ability to generate hyper-realistic videos based on text prompts. Sora’s...
In a recent escalation of military actions, the United States conducted a series of airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, resulting in at least 16 reported casualties, including civilians, and 25 individuals...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has issued six emergency orders to the State of Israel in response to Immediate ceasefire, allegations of genocide and a brutal bombardment of Gaza. However,...
In an unprecedented act of violence, Charles University in Prague has become the site of a horrifying shooting incident. The attack, unfolding near the historic Charles Bridge, has left over a...
In a significant development, the UK has revealed plans to enter the Israel-Palestine conflict by conducting surveillance flights over Gaza after the US which is already actively participating...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called on Israel to cease what he referred to as the “killing of women, of children, of babies” in the Gaza Strip, drawing a swift and heated...
Craig Mokhiber, a high-ranking United Nations human rights official, has resigned from his post in protest of the UN handling of Israel’s barbaric actions in Gaza. Mokhiber, who served as...