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Austrian Sim cards will have been affected by an alleged hack by US and British intelligence agencies in order to facilitate eavesdropping on mobiles, the security spokesman for Austria’s Green Party...

Austrian police have helped bust an international counterfeiting ring and arrested two men who had €50,000 worth of fake bills hidden in their car door, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BK) confirmed. Police...

Brand Finance, one of the world’s leading brand valuation and strategy consultancies, has released its annual brand power report, which shows that Red Bull holds its position as the third strongest...

The credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings has downgraded the sovereign debt of Austria – specifically for long term foreign and local currency ratings – from AAA to AA+, with a stable outlook. The...

Snow and wind are causing delays at Vienna’s Schwechat Airport, with many planes having problems taking off and landing due to a strong crosswind, a spokesman told the Austrian Press Agency on Monday. Only...

Austria’s Health Minister, Sabine Oberhauser (SPÖ), has been diagnosed with abdominal cancer. In a press release she announced that she will start chemotherapy on Friday and that her doctors have said...

Austria opposes arming the Ukrainian government in their fight against rebels in the east of the country, Chancellor Werner Faymann was quoted as saying Saturday, according to a report from the Agence...

Rising unemployment and high tax and social insurance contributions are causing an increasing number of people in Austria to abandon formal employment and work in “shadow economies”, according to a...

Austria is preparing legal action against the European Commission’s decision to allow billions of euros of subsidies for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant in the UK. Austria, which does not have...

French police have detained five Chechens on suspicion of possessing explosives, and media reports suggest that one of the suspects has Austrian citizenship. According to a report in the Kurier newspaper...